The machine is running at chipizatsiya citizens ............................................. 3
Telemedicine. Health monitoring ................................................ ... 9.
Tasks Health Information ....................................... 16
Telemedicine and mobile communications ................ 24
What lies behind EMIAS? ............................................. .................... 27
A single identification number of the patient,
Electronic health records (EHR) .............. .
Virtual patient ................................................ .......................... 35
Projects mobile medical .............................................. ......... 43
Russia has introduced a personalized account of health workers ....... 49
World experience in creating e-medicine ............................... 50
Barcode Medical ............................................. ........................... 54
Biochips, biosensors, nanobots ............................................. ........... 56
On the creation of an interface between the brain and a computer ...................... 63
RFID tags and chips .............................................. ................................ 75
RFID tags in medicine .............................................. ......................... 81
Electronic tattoo ................................................ ..................... 84
Chipping of people ................................................ ............................. 86
Risk assessment of human exposure to implantable
identification and diagnostic microarray ........................ 93
The law on health care reform Obama ......................................... 98
RFID and biometric passports ........... 114
ICAO machine readable documents ......................................... 122
A numeric name of the person ............................................... ......................... 131
Tender documentation................................................ .................. 136
Application of barcode person .............................................. ....... 139
Leaked personal data - identity theft is ...................... 146
Keywords: Robotics, biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, chipping, creating a brain-computer interface and their influence on geopolitical processes and the lives of citizens
Book GI Tsarevo. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: