Traces of former biospheres - AV Lapo
Lapo AV - candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, senior researcher at the National Research Institute of Geological AP Karpinski in Leningrad. A specialist in the field of geology of coal deposits, biogeochemistry and the overall environment.
"Traces of former biospheres, or the story of how the biosphere is arranged and what remained of the biosphere´s geological past" - one of the most successful and user friendly presentation of the problems of the biosphere, made over the past decade. Its author, geologist Andrew V. Lapo, presents and analyzes the views of both the Vernadsky, and a whole galaxy of other scientists, often reviving the talented but forgotten now the works of local researchers. However, the most valuable thing in the book - is a synthesis of the achievements of modern science on a wide range of issues related to the problems of the biosphere, its development and the interaction of different types of substances in the biosphere. Extremely important is the allocation of the author in the first place the basic functions of living matter - energy.
2015, Vladimir Onoprienko
Keywords: Traces of former biospheres, noosfera
Traces of former biospheres // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2015. – № 1;
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