Abstract. Good as the genetic memory of a living process, exist forever due to its universal law of rhythmic reproduction of exact copies of memory. Evil is born periodically, accompanying the act of creation. The cause of the origin of evil is ignorance, ignorance or distortion of the laws of the living process. The perfection of the spirit – the purpose of earthly ways. The law of immutable justice rules the world rhythm of the Universe through the reproduction of genetic memory, a succession of rhythm of living processes to the limit of spiritual perfection. In life there are no jumps and no accidents.
Keywords: Keywords: good, evil, genome, memory, life.
The essence of good and evil from the position of the genetic unity of the world // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2015. – № 1;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/noocivil/241-1426 (Date Access: