The origin of life caused by the need to reproduce the genetic memory in the image and likeness, on the principle of crystallization, self-reproduction. The development of life caused by the need to form a new source of energy supply, capable of converting electromagnetic radiation into electrical energy of the same frequency for the needs of genetic memory. Development of technological process of life takes place according to the information matrix secreted from the genetic center, which is currently playing on your copy. The purpose of life is to prevent a large explosion, uncontrolled radioactive or nuclear explosion in space of the Universe. Life is fire, managed process risk of joint work of oxidation and reduction. Weak and superweak interactions underlie the genetic unity of the world of fire processes
Keywords: radiation sensitive system, memory, genome, Life
ORIGIN, DEVELOPMENT AND PURPOSE OF LIFE // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2015. – № 1;
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