Abstract – This work is the review of main positions of knowledge about the building, functionality and interaction in the Universe, which had been developed on the base of postulate about communication of All Existence in the World into united "Information Field" of the Universe. The most important affirmation in such presentation there is a compubiquity and primariness of the "Consciousnesses of Absolutes" in all of, without exception, the processes, what is occurring in the Universe. It is explained the structure of the Universe, is clarified a sense of the major conceptual categories such as: "Time", "Information", "Energy", "Space", "Mass", "Informational Field", "Knowledge"; is shown their relationship and interconnection. It is brought data about the kinds of energy and about the carriers of an information in the Universe, about the processes of forming of "informational flows" and of all "Information Field", about "informational matrixes" and about ambience of their existence, about "world ether" and vacuum, about structure of atoms and particularities of structure of radioactive atoms, as well as about the essence of radioactive radiation. It is formulated the main task, standing today before Mankind - rapid overtype of existed natural-scientific paradigm on the base of proposed new knowledge for radical change of "total information potential" of Society before forthcoming entering of planet into the space of Universe with compacted energy.
Keywords: grid of magnetic keyzons., radioactive disinteration, neutron, proton, electronic shell, pulse of the manifestation, quantum membrane, primary structural formations, without-spatial Matter, Glunomety Space, Calibration network, Matrix Field, informational matrixes, action codes of the Absolutes, keyzons, Informational Field of The Universe, Consciousness of Absolutes, The Absolutes
// Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2015. – ¹ 2;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/noocivil/240-1391 (Date Access: