Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science


In article are discussed problems of "deadly embrace" in modern science, usually interpreted as the "crisis of the change the paradigm in natural science". As a result of studying of the particularities of usually applicable cognition methods in such spheres as a science, an esoterics, a metaphysics it is made a conclusion that reason of arisen problems in science there is a materialistic basis of scientific methodology so speech must go not about change the scientific paradigm, but about change the methodologies of the cognition. Herewith there is no need to in proposed methdological development of the "universal uppermost-application method of the cognition of the realities" so far as the known combination of the metaphysical approach with dialectical method (which can be identified as “meta-dialectics’) long ago and is successfully used in esoteric science. Besides, here is brought the main information about possibilities of the new science – “Cosmological Physics” which have been arisen as the result of use this specific method of the cognition of the reality, what can serve as the new base for making ecological safe technologies, necessary for mankind.

Keywords: Cosmological Physics, uppermost-application method, materialistic base, scientific methodology, meta-dialectics, metaphysics, esoterics, science, methods of cognition, crisis of change the paradigm in natural science


COSMOLOGICAL PHYSICS AND “META-DIALECTICS”. // Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2015. – ¹ 2;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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