Scientific Journal

Political Science
Declaration of the living intellect - ISBN 9781312898325


Table Of Contents: Preamble. 1. Charter (Declaration) researchers Noosphere: Freedom of research, professional responsibility and ethics, contractual and legal obligations, research, dissemination and use of results, intellectual property rights researchers Noosphere, Co-authorship researchers Noosphere, Professional development researchers Noosphere, Evaluation of the experience of researchers noosphere 2. Evaluation of the Noosphere Constitution. Statements world scientists, politicians, public figures of the Noosphere Ethical-Ecological Constitution for Mankind and the noosphere movement 3. Threats to the living intelligence. Scientists planet called on the world to do the safety of artificial intelligence

Keywords: Noosphere. Society. Man, ISBN 9781312898325


Declaration of the living intellect - ISBN 9781312898325 // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2015. – № 4;
URL: (Date Access: 10.03.2025).

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