Encyclopedia of Russian Thought: Russian Physical Society. Publisher "Public benefit" - M .: Public benefit, 1993 - -
ISBN 5-85617-100-4.
T. 10 .:
GN Petrakovich.
Biofield without secrets.
Collection of scientific works). - 2009.- 306 p. - ISBN 5-85617-010-5.
The tenth volume of the "Encyclopedia of Russian Thought" - a collection of scientific articles in 1988 ÷ 2008, member of the Russian Physical Society (1992), winner of the Russian Physical Society (1992), a surgeon of the highest qualification
Petrakovich Georgy.
Published in a collection of works linked together fundamental discovery GN Petrakovich in science: all objects are "live" and "inanimate" nature, containing iron, are the source of the mega-frequency electromagnetic oscillations of frequency selective 1018 Hz, - electromagnetic field permeating vsѐ surrounding area and links all natural entities into a single energy-information space .
Henceforth, all natural phenomena are robust scientific basis, the basis on which alone can be the modern scientific science.
Keywords: Encyclopedia of Russian Thought: Russian Physical Society.
Biofield without secrets. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 4;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/noocivil/236-1276 (Date Access: