Philosophy Of Science
XXI century.
Priority theory of social intellect
©Library Journal " Noosphere.Company.Man ". Block "Energy noosphere", 2014.
XXI century.
Priority theory of social intellect
/ author subject selection /
1. Structure of Mind: the theory of multiple intellect
Howard Gardner
2.Faktor general intellect - general factor, g factor
(From Wikipedia)
3.Energiya society
Dobrocheev OV
4.Energetichesky potential noosphere - social intellect
Onopriyenko VI
5.Novaya paradigm of historical development, and social intellect
Subetto AI
6. Tesla energy scale social intellect
Boris Petrovic, Nikola Tesla Institute, Brazil, Onopriyenko Vladimir,
Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
The energy of our thoughts-Konstantin Korotkov
Keywords: XXI century, Priority, theory of social intellect
XXI century.
Priority theory of social intellect
// Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 4;
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