Scientific Journal

History Of Science
MEMORY OF THE WORLD-inheritance of Nikola Tesla


Archive of Nikola Tesla: A unique collection of manuscripts, photographs, scientific tion documents and patents, with irreplaceable study of the history of electrical engineering. Opening and Tesla´s inventions have been essential for development of many modern technologies, including including radio, radar, television, various motors and computers. Stored in Belgrade archive consists of 160 000 pages of patent documents scientific correspondence, scientific reports rows, manuscripts, technical drawings, data- uchnyh measurements, personal documentation and legal cal documents, as well as about a thousand ori- ginalov photos experiments and inventions Tesla.

Keywords: MEMORY OF THE WORLD-inheritance of Nikola Tesla, Inclusion in the Register of twenty


MEMORY OF THE WORLD-inheritance of Nikola Tesla // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 2;
URL: (Date Access: 11.02.2025).

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