The author of the article discloses the concept of Universal Law of Creation of the spiritualized matter Creation in the form of the Integrated Spiral of Evolution of the first-born Super-Atom of Hydrogen reveals. This very concept is based on the new cause-effect helicoid variant of the periodic law of D.I.Mendeleyev and the integrated (bible) cycle of creation, that is ciphered in the Chapter 1 of the Old Testament of the Bible Genesis through sacral functions of elements, which serial number coincides with verse number. The mechanism of origin of the Integrated Spiral of Evolution of first-born Atom of Hydrogen, as the Uniform Genetic Thread, which originated from the Absolute through which frequency-resonant communication in the universe is carried out in strict conformity to the Law to Time that is added to the Uniform Spiral. The author suggests a hypothesis of model of Atom of Hydrogen, as Base Genome of the World that is arranged just as blood system of the person, with “a transformation point” in a kind of “crystal of White Light”, as “a spinaring object”, that is arranged just as a person´s heart.
Keywords: chronal field. noosfera, universal law of creation of the spiritualized matter, consciousness, protoenergy, living light, deck-delta system, base Genome of the World
The universal law of creation of the Spiritualized matter –
a new paradigm of discovering the true
// Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2014. – ¹ 3;
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