Науки о Земле
It has been propose idea of Living Universe principal on the Fundamental Law of leaf - every following action is come from memory of preceding actions. The all mater bodes is consisting from two half, which have relation origin, but have opposite properties (quality): from structure of memory and sensitive half. The living process is process of the oscillators. Everyone oscillatory circuit is need energy information. All cosmic body - it is an active oscillators from two half. Result of this oscillations is energoinformation field or NOOSFERA of earth.
The electric field fill the process of life by strength. The magnetic field provide the reasonable make use of the electric energy. Together they are forming the waves of the evolution of the life in the Universe - SVETOMBRs (Light-Magnetic-Biologic-Rhythm). Every wave distributes the perfect form of the life. The all distances in the micro - and in the macro universes measure in these rhythms.
Keywords: Noosfera. Energy. Information.