Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science
Basis noosphere cooperation. International Social classless XXI century


Basis noosphere cooperation. International Social classless XXI century Classless Social Internationale XXI century is born in the form of non-class intellectual community - likely noosphere global cooperative. Its social base is intelligent, informative proletariat - the main productive force of the global information society. Information Proletarian doing its job in the office and at home , and in the presence of mobile phones and laptop - virtually anywhere, anytime . There is increasing non-commercial forms of cooperation between people. New Internet technologies have a unique opportunity to focus million. "Information proletariat" kommunikativen and able to cooperate and interact . ISBN 5-94727-093-5-N

Keywords: knowledge-producing workers, knowledge-worker, middle class proletariat, cybertarian, basis, cyberpromote, Wikinomics, knowledge-using workers, noosphere cooperation


Basis noosphere cooperation. International Social classless XXI century // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 1;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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