This monograph reflects the authors’ views on the condition of civilization, human interaction with the biosphere, the laws of the Noosphere, and the cosmic space of the universe. Natural catastrophe is suggested as being the result of human negation of these laws. The monograph includes scientific and practical components and sets forth a pilot model for mankind’s evolutionary development. The Great continent convergence is of- fered as a modei for integrating the Earth into the etheric and subtle energy processes of cosmic space. According to the author’s evaluations anthropocentric goals and the structures they give rise to are negatively effecting the realms of the Solar system, violating the lavs of the heliosphere and speeding up the possibility of global catastrophe. As a conseguence the authors conclude that a deep transformation of human moral and ethic standards is now essential. In general nhe monograph confirms the view that the earth is closely connectied to accelerating evolutionary processe taking place in the Solar system.
ÒORSION THEORY OF WORLD CIVILISATION EVOLUTION // Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2013. – ¹ 1;
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