Substantiation and development of bases of theory, methodology and economic-mathematical models of formation and development of the noosphere economy, social reproduction and noospheric society, as the new world Outlook of the conceptual paradigm of human life on the planet.
Keywords: power, science, Education, religion, culture, state, regional territory, enterprise, trends, ways of interacting, model, mind, knowledge, ideology, thinking, truth, lies, Man, nature, Society, the noosphere, Space, conceptual power, the crowd, the people, the noosphere economy, social reproduction, noospheric society, capital, капиталократия, капиталоцентризм, the lending rate crises, innovative activity, funds, accounting, monitoring, civilizational development, the law of time, the logic of socio-economic behaviour, institutional priorities of the powerful management, multi-vector policy, globalization, integration, dollarization and китаезация the world economy.
Noosphere economy and фондоэффективный mechanism for its formation-systemic factor of the humanitarian CIS security // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2013. – № 2;
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