Scientific Journal

Sociological Science
«THE LEVEL OF LIFE OF POPULATION IN RUSSIAN REGIONS» Noosphere paradigm of global development society


This issue of the magazine «the Level of life of population in the regions of Russia», released under the General topic of the «Noosphere paradigm of global development of society», mainly devoted to the problems of creation of the sphere of the mind (noosphere), which begins with the gaining scientific thought global truly universal scale. Questions noospheric system in the light of the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky addressed in the reports of the chief researcher of the Russian Institute «Microbe», doctor of medical science, Adam A.K., chief researcher of the Institute of system analysis RAS, ä.ã.-M.N.,, V.S. Golubev, President of the Noosphere spiritual-ecological Assembly of the world, d.f.n., candidate of technical Sciences, Honored worker of culture of Russia Ãîðäèíîé PS, Deputy General Director ÂÖÓÆ, ä.ñ.í., Professor, member-correspondent of RAO S.I. Grigoryev, senior research fellow*, The Institute of Economics RAS, doctor of philosophy (PhD), Professor V.I. Onoprienko, d.f.n., Professor rgteu Ursula A.D. The room is available also unanimously adopted by the participants of the Round table Declaration «Noosphere paradigm of sustainable development there is no alternative!»

Keywords: Noosphere paradigm of global development society


«THE LEVEL OF LIFE OF POPULATION IN RUSSIAN REGIONS» Noosphere paradigm of global development society // Íîîñôåðà. Îáùåñòâî. ×åëîâåê. – 2013. – ¹ 2;
URL: (Date Access: 22.12.2024).

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