Scientific Journal

Market genocide Russia and exit strategy historical impasse


The era of Refusal on the market, probably, will cover the entire decade, maybe the whole XXI century. The main thing - there is an alternative to the market. This is a planned economy has, is the transition to the management of social and natural - the noosphere - evolution. Management principle: the evolution of the social and natural - the guiding principle of the imperative of survival. And this is followed by the primacy of the public intel-Lect, the highest priority is the development of science, education and culture in the society, the primacy of the spiritual over the material began beginnings of human existence. The entire history of the Soviet Union - Russia in the twentieth century, Russia hast prepared for lead-tion mission - to become the leader of the Noospheric Breakthrough humanity in the XXI century! Only saving humanity from ecological destruction through ideology, but osferno-socialist development, Russia will be reborn as a powerful tion noosferno-socialist country.


Market genocide Russia and exit strategy historical impasse // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2013. – № 4;
URL: (Date Access: 05.02.2025).

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