Scientific Journal

Biological Sciences
Autotrophic and spin-torsion Human interaction


... Humanity is running out of time trying to prevent the ultimate degradation of humanity. Way information and technology, not taking into account the existence of natural laws and the development of living and non-living matter, and as a result, violates the terms of the implementation of the autotrophic Humanity as a whole, integrating cosmoplanet Earth who makes havoc in postranstvo spin-torsion interactions is a dead end, the path loss and possible final extinction of human civilization. To avoid this, humanity will rebuild their thinking, consciousness, philosophy, go to the next level of spiritual development, to learn to be "autotrophic".

Keywords: Autotrophic and spin-torsion Human interaction


Autotrophic and spin-torsion Human interaction // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2013. – № 4;
URL: (Date Access: 27.12.2024).

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