Monograph / Edited by VN Vasilenko, S. Grigoriev, VI Patrushev, AI Subetto. Authors: O. Anisimov, GV Atamanchuk, VK Baturin, VN Vasilenko, S. Grigoryev, AA Gromyko, LS Gordin, A.A.Gorbunov, MM Guzev, AM Egorychev, GM Imanov, VP Treasurers, IV Kozik, VL Makarov, Y. Marchenko, V. Patrushev, AI AI Subetto, FP Turenko, AD Ursula.
The book systematically disclosed noosferizm as worldview, movement, social system theory and historical experience driven socio-natural evolution. Presents advanced design noospheric wing of Russian science, defining a vector formation noospheric civilization. Published appeal scientists noospherology to earthlings: "The destruction of world civilization in the XXI century can still be prevented."
Addressed to those who are interested in the concept of noosphere human and social development, the evolution of knowledge and the formation of social and humanitarian foundations noospheric civilization global era.
Edited by Academician VN Vasilenko, S. Grigoriev, VI Patrushev, AI Subetto
Published by the decision of the Academic Council of Municipal Research Institute of Complex Social Sciences Division
Keywords: Man, Society, The development of Noosphere
Man and Society: The development of Noosphere // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2013. – № 4;
URL: (Date Access: