First article published in the journal " Advances in modern biology " (1944 .
Number 18. Issue 2 . Pp. 113-120 ) . The text of the book is available at :
Vernadsky VI Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon. Moscow: Nauka , 1991 .
Pp. 235-244 .
The article " A few words about the noosphere ," published in 1944, may
regarded as a direct continuation and development of the views expressed in
work " Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon " ( 1938). It clearly
conditions are formulated to ensure the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere .
This last lifetime contribution Vernadsky ( the article was
written at the height of the war in 1943 ) is imbued with optimism.
Brilliant scientist was convinced of the triumph of the human mind and not
only in the defeat of fascism , but also in the elimination of all that still prevents
transformation of the biosphere into the noosphere .
Keywords: Vladimir Vernadsky, noosphere, biosfera
// Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2013. – № 3;
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