Scientific Journal

Vocation Culture in the XXI century - noospheric sustainable development


Vocation Culture in the XXI century - is noospheric sustainability and Russia, and of humanity, because the noosphere is the paradigm of sustainable development, it just can not happen. At the same time, under the noosphere is understood not just the "sphere of reason," as many interpret the noosphere, namely, as a new state or a new quality of the biosphere in which the combined intelligence of mankind, or the cumulative mind begins to manage social and natural evolution, ensuring the preservation and promotion of the diversity of life on Earth - and through the preservation and development of the life of wealth Biosphere - the preservation and development of socio-cultural and spiritual wealth of mankind.

Keywords: noosfera


Vocation Culture in the XXI century - noospheric sustainable development // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2013. – № 3;
URL: (Date Access: 23.02.2025).

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