Scientific Journal

Rubinstein A.YA. Introduction to the new methodology of economic analysis


This report presents an attempt to create a new economic the methodology involves the interaction of market economy with the state activity, oriented to the solution of social problems and based on the Outlook, occupying an intermediate position between classical liberalism and the socialist paradigm. The peculiarity of the proposed methodology is caused by the refusal of absolutism of methodological individualism and using: the main provisions of the concept of «Economic sociodynamics» (ies) with its key principle of complementarity utility, which admits the existence of the needs of society as such; «Theory of wards good» and the analysis of the inefficient Nash equilibria and modification of the Викселля-Lindahl for any goods and services with the social value; market mechanisms and the political branches of the generation of public interests, forming different institutional environments based on the preferences of opposing groups the individuals. JEL classification: C70, С72, D5, D6, D7, H41.

Keywords: social liberalism, methodological individualism and holism, ies, social utility, the principle of complementarity, wards of good regulatory interests, institutional modernization, the political branch of the public interest, the balance of Викселля-Lindahl.


Rubinstein A.YA. Introduction to the new methodology of economic analysis // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2012. – № 3;
URL: (Date Access: 10.03.2025).

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