Scientific Journal

Earth Science
Noosferny Technology of anticipation of accidents, crises, conflicts, emergency situations; the Technique of designing and application of practical measures of protection and safety


Zakharov Alexander Maratovich- avtor, Onopriyenko Vladimir Ivanovich-redaktor, 2012./St. Petersburg, Moscow, Russia / - on the basis of the author´s Theory of the Power Resonance and an author´s Technique of the complex analysis «Power rhythms of the nature» of Alexander Maratovich Zakharov

Keywords: Noosferny Technology of anticipation of accidents, crises, conflicts, emergency situations, the Technique


Noosferny Technology of anticipation of accidents, crises, conflicts, emergency situations; the Technique of designing and application of practical measures of protection and safety // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2012. – № 3;
URL: (Date Access: 10.03.2025).

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