Scientific Journal

Teaching Science
V. Vasilenko, G.m. Imanov. Noosphere futurology. TUTORIAL.


Library of training manuals on noosferologii UDC (31). 60 ´/BBC Reviewers: Professor Alexander Ivanovich – Ph.d. Subetto economic and philosophic Sciences, President of Noosfernoj public Academy of Sciences, Member of the European Academy of natural sciences; Prof. Svyatoslav Grigoriev-doctor of sociological Sciences, corresponding member RAO, Vice President of the Union of Russian sociologists, Vice-Chairman management methodical support of universities of education in social work at the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation and of philosophy, President of Noosfernoj public Academy of Sciences, Member of the European Academy of natural sciences; Prof. Svyatoslav Grigoriev-doctor of sociological Sciences, corresponding member RAO, Vice President of the Union of Russian sociologists, Vice-Chairman management methodical support of universities of education in social work at the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: Noosphere approaches, educational standards, manuals, noosphere, global imperatives, futures education system modernization, education and science


V. Vasilenko, G.m. Imanov. Noosphere futurology. TUTORIAL. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2012. – № 5;
URL: (Date Access: 22.01.2025).

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