The analysis of the causes of the crisis in education-
it and science in Russia, which is defined as a major brake on
the task of moving its innovation strategy development
Thea. There is only one way out is to change the foundation of educational policy
Tiki in Russia, begin to comply with the requirements of law advanced
development of human quality, quality of public intelligence and
the quality of education as the basic conditions of noosphere format OS-
tojčivogo of innovation development. -Kostroma: Asterion, KSU. N.a. Nekrasov, 2010. ISBN978-5-7591-1153-5
//Reviewers: Zelenov Lev Aleksandrovich, doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor, honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation (n.Novgorod); Chekmaryov Vasilij Vladimirovich, doctor of economic sciences, Professor, honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation (Kostroma); Grigoriev Svyatoslav, doctor of sociological Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of education (Moscow).
Keywords: Noospherical format of sustainable innovative development, advanced development of human qualities, social intelligence, the quality of education, the crisis of science and education, global education system
Crisis of science and education in Russia – chaptersth brake in its transition to a strategy of innovation development
// Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2012. – № 5;
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