Ed. G. Pavlenko, IV Soboleva. The book examines the theoretical and methodological approaches to the social dimension of economic and practical problems of interaction between economic and social aspects of the reproduction process in terms of reform. Particular attention is paid to problems of measuring the social potential of the economy, the place and role of civil society in the regulation of social and economic processes, social and economic aspects of inequality and poverty, issues of social and labor sphere, reforming education and training, as well as the problems of modern youth treated in a social indicator of economic reforms. An important place is occupied by problems in the collection of measuring the effectiveness of social measures. For researchers and practitioners concerned with the socio-economic development of students and teachers of the socio-economic disciplines.Publisher: Librokom, 2009. ISBN 978-5-397-00352-0/Authors: DN Karpukhin, Maslova IS, Belozerova SM, Toksanbaeva MS, Anisimov, GV, MI Voeikov, A. Volodin, KE. Mr., R. Korotkov, Dolmatova SA, Pavlenko YG, Rzhanitsyna LS, Baranenkova TA, E. N. Sobolev, Kubishin ES, Soboleva IV , Chowdhury S. Yu, N. Dunayev, Onoprienko VI, Bilanin N.
Keywords: ECONOMICS, Sociology, Planning. Economic forecasting. Mathematical modeling, control the economy. Accounting. Economic Analysis, Business Books
The social dimension of economic processes // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2012. – № 5;
URL: www.es.rae.ru/noocivil/216-1008 (Date Access: