Scientific Journal

Philosophy Of Science
Alexander Ivanovich Subetto. Bibliographic systematics works (scientific biographical literature biography and selected works (see also citation – 1970 (yubilejnoe izdanie) 2012. St Petersburg, 2012. © Subetto Alexander Ivanovich.


In the work contains a bibliography of scientific, philosophical and publicistic works of Aleksandra Ivanovicha Subetto since 1970, beginning in the year 2012, organized on different grounds. In addition, provides a brief biography and selected works of the author. The book is addressed to the reader, who is interested in the issues dealt with by the A.i. Subetto for over 40 years. This edition of the of bibliographic work of taxonomy A.i. Subetto since 1970 for the years 2012 and his selected works for the first time and is dedicated to the 75-th anniversary. Think bibliographic systematics, Favorites, congratulations and evaluation allows the reader to put down a full impression of the multifaceted activities and creativity Subetto Aleksandra Ivanovicha.//scientific editor – Vice President of Noosfernoj public Academy of Sciences, first Vice President of the European Academy of natural sciences, honoured worker of higher school of Russian Federation, honoured Builder of RUSSIAN FEDERATION, doctor of economic sciences, Professor Gorbunov Arkady Antonovich.

Keywords: Series, science and bibliographical literature, A.i., Gorbunov A.a., biography, Favorites


Alexander Ivanovich Subetto. Bibliographic systematics works (scientific biographical literature biography and selected works (see also citation – 1970 (yubilejnoe izdanie) 2012. St Petersburg, 2012. © Subetto Alexander Ivanovich. // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 5;
URL: (Date Access: 10.03.2025).

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