This work has a footnote name – "warning from the future". The fictional hero of Ivan Alexandrovich Muromtsev summer 2037, writes "confession" or from yourself, or on behalf of the deceased man, answering the question "why does mankind perished from the biosphere, as superorganizmom, its immune mechanism of" naslavšego "on humanity" virus-fighter ", why has it failed to survive the era of the great Evolutionary Change and commit Noospherical breakthrough?". In the second part of the book are selected works by extending the reader´s reflection, given the "Confession". The book is addressed to a thinking reader.Reviewers:
Doctor of philosophy, Professor Zelenov, a Cardas
Doctor of philosophy, Professor Buldakov, S.k.
Doctor of economic sciences, Professor A. Gorbunov
Keywords: Confession of the son of an era, Repentance of the son of an era, Sacrament of Penance (Catholic Church)
Confession last man (warning from the future). Favorites (for 2011) // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2016. – № 5;
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