Philosophy Of Science
Mochalov I.I., Onopriyenko V. I. - V.I.Vernadsky: Science. Philosophy. Human. Book presentation
For V.I.Vernadsky high level of a reflection in the relation is very characteristic
scientific activity and scientific work. Throughout all life he was interested
not only concrete subjects of sciences in which he was engaged as the researcher
(and their range was extraordinary wide), but also a science as a whole, its nature, ways its movements, regularities of development, organization forms, character
scientific creativity, science crossings with other types of creativity, a role
sciences in economy and society. For V.I.Vernadsky the such weren´t indifferent
subjects, as development of forms of communication of scientists, history of schools of sciences, communications,publications, history of norms and criteria of values in scientific community, social responsibility of scientists etc. In science development it connected central events with
activity of various research associations in the disciplinary science structures. The history of a science is considered by it in connection with the competition, polemic between schools of sciences, in connection with development of the competing concepts and methods. Its appeal to problems of logic, methodology, sociology sciences, psychology of scientific creativity, as well as at other outstanding figures XX century sciences, their development by philosophers, logicians, sociologists stimulated,
For laymen.
ISBN 978-5-98866-021-7
© Mochalov I.I., Onopriyenko V. I., 2008
© IIET of S.I.Vavilov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008 __
Keywords: work, person, philosophy, science, noosphere, biosphere, Vernadsky
Mochalov I.I., Onopriyenko V. I. - V.I.Vernadsky: Science. Philosophy. Human. Book presentation // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 5;
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