The monograph is proved that over the last century in Russia is Noosphere scientific school with world scientific and cultural significance, which stands at the cradle of creativity of V.i. Vernadsky. The problem, its analysis of the presented concept was first implemented in the domestic naukovedenii. Author of the monograph convincingly answers a number of critical issues: whether by itself To such an approach? What is the Noosphere scientific school in Russia, what its genesis and Foundation? Can you talk about Noosfernoj of scientific school as a medium flow of scientific ideas that extend the paradigm of scientific reflection noosfernoj and synthesis of scientific knowledge? Can I consider the Russian Scientific School of the noosphere as a phenomenon of global or world of historic proportions? What are local noosphere research schools and how they relate to the main paradigm of "core" of the Russian noosfernoj research school? Jointly with the author, we also believe that it is now a powerful stream of research on noosfernoj, Noosphere scientific School of Russia has all energy properties for its further development in Russia and in the world.
Keywords: noosphere paradigm, reflection, science studies, Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich, Noosphere scientific school in Russia, subetto, scientific report, results and prospects, Monograph, planetary phenomenon
Noosfernaya school of sciences in Russia results and prospects.
// Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 5;
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