Earth Science
Noospheric SMYSLOVEDENIE (a new research direction in a theoretical system Noosferizma)
Subetto AI Noosphere smyslovedenie / under scientific. Ed. prof., PhD L.A.Zelenova - St. - Kostroma: KSU them. Nekrasov, Publishing house "Asterion", 2012. - 262s. ISBN978-5-7591-1306-5. The book of Alexander Ivanovich Subetto opens a new research direction in a theoretical system Noosferizma - "Noosphere smyslovedenie." The author introduces the system of scientific concepts neologism "smyslovedenie", ie "The introduction of the meaning of" the concepts used by people. In this case we are talking about the meaning of the basic concepts of philosophy and the noosphere so, of course, with some reservations, noospheric smyslovedenie also presented as an introduction to the philosophy of noosphere. The book can be used as a textbook in the universities, where the formation of the noosphere education.
Reviewers: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Olga Leontievna Craiova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Russia Vyacheslav Bobkov, Doctor of Education, Professor Larissa Tatarnikova Gavrilovna.
© AI Subetto
Keywords: new research direction in a theoretical system Noosferizma, Noosphere smyslovedenie
Noospheric SMYSLOVEDENIE (a new research direction in a theoretical system Noosferizma) // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 5;
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