Reason Назначение.Структура.Глобальный XXX.Entsiklopediya. ( Reg number 18636269).Category Science.Synopsis.Priority of publication: Encyclopedia "Global Mind XXX." The Encyclopaedia of a Global network XXX. Part 1. reg № 10077149 Part 2. reg № 445451480 Appointment Encyclopedia "Global Mind XXX" is to gather in a single edition of the names of people, ideas and creativity that have contributed to the problem of sustainable development and contributed to the formation of a new reality on Earth - Areas of the Mind, of the New World Order. People whose biographies are presented in the encyclopedia, changed the world for the better. Idea-Onoprienko Vladimir.2011-09-24 04:54:26
Keywords: Reason, Entsiklopediya
The Encyclopaedia of a Global network XXX // Ноосфера. Общество. Человек. – 2014. – № 5;
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